You base the economic structure of any state on objective economic laws. Modern states manage the market economy with the help of the state structure of the national economy, the fiscal system and the monetary system.

What is market economy?

A market economy is an economy based on the relationships that arise from the sale of goods on the market. Market relations involve different economic subjects and legal entities.  You can understand the socio-economic conditions for the sale of goods within the market.

The market is a sphere of manifestation of the economic relations between producers and consumers of goods

In a market economy, it is very important to know precisely the economic nature and content of its categories. Money is an intermediary between the act of purchase and the act of sale. In this function money becomes capital.

Quote: " Finance is not merely about making money. It's about achieving our deep goals and protectingthe fruits of our labor. It's about stewardship and, therefore, about achieving the good society. "
