The term “finance” covers all sub-areas that deal with the topic of finance.

Finance sub-areas

There is a distinction between public and private finance. Public finance, also known as finance, deals with government budgetary regulations.

What do the individual sub-areas of finance do?

All sub-areas provide a complete picture of finance. Each sub-area has its own function and task.

Finance: Deals with the topic of how a company makes money and then uses it to make money again.

Liquidity protection: Ensuring the availability of sufficient funds.

Controlling: Coordination and control concept that checks the target orientation of processes and is intended to ensure their effectiveness.

Treasury:  People can build collateral here to mitigate financial risks in the event of a crisis.

Accounting: Systematic monitoring and recording of all cash and service flows.

Quote: " Finance is not merely about making money. It's about achieving our deep goals and protectingthe fruits of our labor. It's about stewardship and, therefore, about achieving the good society. "
